Friday, April 10, 2009

So long, Key West

We have enjoyed our stay in the Key West area seeing the sights and making new friends, but it is now past time to move along to our turn-around point of the Dry Tortugas National Park.

Weather reports indicate we will get a bit of a blow Monday afternoon and Tuesday with very nice conditions prevailing on Tuesday afternoon and into the morning on Wednesday with winds and seas tending to blow us along toward the mainland. Guess we will have to make a night passage to the mainland. What is one to do? It's the weather, mon.

For you Navy types, reveille and breakfast for the crew was 0600 today with the Special Sea and Anchor Detail set at 0745. We were underway about 0800 and found little or no wind at sea with just a foot or two of swell.

Today's trip will take us west to the Key West channel, bypass Key West to its west and continue northward into into Florida Bay. There we turn west toward the Dry Tortugas. We are taking this track because the southeasterly winds will make the more direct trip a bit rougher than going north of the protecting shoals.

The blog will be kept on a Word document and then copied to this website after we get back within cell phone range of "civilization."

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...