Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Racing the corona virus

Whew! With all the activity related to limiting the spear of the Wuhan China virus including closing restaurants except for take-out and possible hotel closings and advice to hunker down like Indiana Jones running out of the cave with that big rock ball rolling after him.  Today we will get to the safety of the boat at noon where we can be away from PEOPLE.  So far we have been very careful anytime we get out of the rental SUV using plastic gloves to handle the gas pumps and spraying disinfectant about the rooms we use at hotels.  Yesterday it was "air hungs" and elbow touches with Mary's delightful friends Janice and Richard Terrell when we met for lunch at a nearly vacant Outback in Salisbury, NC.  The word had just come over the news that the Governor had ordered restaurants to close at 5 PM except for take-out.

We will occupy the captain's cabin tonight while Chip and his two children Elena and John and our friend Glen sleep in other horizontal areas of the boat for heir last night aboard.  Even without the virus threat, they are anxious to get headed back to Madison, FL and will likely do so by Friday at latest possibly spending a night in a hotel in Norfolk on Thursday.

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...