Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Scarlotte O'Haras

Much like the famous damsel in distress in "Gone With the Wind," we find ourselves dependent upon the "kindness of others" as we awaken in the friendly embrace of Jeff and Suzanne Wright's pilings and friendship. And of course, their dogs, Clancy and Clare (infringer's rule 1: you might forget your hosts' names, but NEVER their pets).

We had intended a longer stay with our friends, but forces of nature urge us onward on two different fronts. First is the fair forecast for Thursday and Friday upon the big waters of the Big Bend. Second is the Mary magnet of all her family, especially the grand kids who NEED all the treasures she has freighted us down with. We have probably dropped a half knot in speed due to the souvenir weight.

So this morning we bid adieu to our good friends and pushed along through the ICW a mere 36 miles to Anclote Key anchorage. If all goes as planned, we have seen our last pier and set our feet on the ground for the last time until we arrival home.

Our plan is to avoid the long over night passage crossing of the Big Bend by staging through Cedar Key 70 miles north of Anclote Key where we are currently anchored. We will anchor again at Cedar Key on Thursday night and then run 113 miles (near the limit of what we can run in daylight) WNW to Dog Island. At that point we will be within the protected waters of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and 95 miles from home through familiar waters we don't even need charts for any more.

Cedar Key is a less than desireable location due to its rather unprotected anchorage, but if the predicted light easterly winds prevail, we should have a decent night. At any rate, it is a place we can hang out during darkness in order to get daylight running hours in the Gulf.

As we depart Lower Florida, we would again like to thank the good folks who have hosted us and become our friends. The old adage that you meet the nicest people afloat (or associated with boats) was never truer.

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...