Monday, June 26, 2017

Going Postal!

Monday, 26 June 2017

So where is my part? 

Today was the day I expected to get take delivery of the new voltage regulator the Ken bought online, but after numerous frustrating checks of the three offices at this marina where mail can wind up, I am left with a USPS tracking number which says it was delivered to “Parcel Locker” in Grand Rivers, the local municipality.  I can only now assume, after hours, that this refers to the local post Officer, open 10 AM to 2 PM.  Ugh!  I am going out there tomorrow morning and see what they know.  This evening, while Mary and I were in Eddyville and a so-so quality catfish restaurant, Mike Sullivan called to report that the mechanics will have all the contaminated fuel pumped from his starboard tank after which he wants me to conn his boat over to the fuel pier on its on remaining engine and bow thruster where we will put a hundred gallons of diesel fuel into the 200-gallon tank t balance the boat out with the 100 gallons already in the port tank.  Then the mechanics are going to try to restart the starboard engine after which I wll take the boat back to its transient slip, hopefully with two engines to maneuver with.

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...