Monday, March 23, 2020

A long day to Belhaven, NC

Monday 23 March 2020
Underway a little after 0700 with the rain holding off and the terrific current which had flowed through the canal reversed and slowed way down making it easy to get away from the pier.  We meandered down a very narrow and twisting waterway until we entered Albemarle Sound, a 14-mile run.  The wind in this open, shallow sound can kick up a heck of a nasty sea as was reported to me by a boat which came through there on Sunday.  Luckily we got only a foot or two of chop on the starboard beam which made one of us feel not too good, but it was all over in a little while as our 8-MPH speed ate the distance up.  Then we entered the Alligator River where we met a boat I had been conversing with on the Trawler Forum.  We exchanged pleasantries as we passed each other heading to different marinas.  In total we saw about eight to ten other vessels today, all headed north.  Then we entered the 22-mile long Alligator River-Pungo River Canal which at its western end dumped us into the Pungo River along the banks of which lies Belhaven, our destination for the day.  We made quick work of mooring at 1823 in Belhaven Marina ending an eleven-hour run of 87 statute miles.  Tomorrow we will head off to Morehead City, NC near Cape Fear.

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...