Saturday, March 21, 2020

At Coinjock Marina in North Carolina

Today was a bit of a lazy day as we got underway a bit late and quit early.  We only ran about 3.5 hours through some nasty rainy weather across Currituck Sound and down Coinjock Bay to the narrow pass where this marina is located.  The option to continue on to an overnight anchorage in this messing weather was not appealing, and the predicted winds at 20 MPH from the east tomorrow will make Albemarle Sound a real bear for anybody crossing it.  So we will depart here on Monday and expect to see the dying gasps of this system as we head off toward Morehead City down at Cape Fear.  With diesel prices plummeting in this weird time, we elected to take on 500 gallons in the boat’s belly tank.  Now there will be no farther need to concern ourselves with how low on fuel the boat may be when it arrives in Carrabelle at the end of the trip.
About our only excitement today came as we met two US Navy landing craft (LCUs) apparently ferrying Marine vehicles to Little Creek from the nearby Marine bases.  We met them in the narrow cut as we exited Currituck Sound and into Coinjock Bay.  We were in good water and not hogging the middle but the first LCU decided to hug the east bank and apparently hit the bottom.  Well, not such a big deal for a craft designed to run onto open beaches you might think, but looking back we saw him sideways in the channel as he extricated himself.  The following LCU saw this and made a dramatic turn in our direction to move more to the center of the channel as can be seen below.  We all survived.

And fini for the Miss Patricia

  Thursday 14 January 2021 Southport, FL We were underway at 0615 from an entirely peaceful night with no wind after sunset with just enough...